Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Responsible Procreation?

I know plenty has been said about the Prop. 8 and the legal battle appealing it, but I have to get my punches in, just like everyone else. I am very much a supporter of same-sex unions (don't get me started on issues of civil rights). I don't care who or what you love- if you want to get married nothing should stop you. Yesterday I read a brief article on sfgate.com. The article discussed nothing new, at least for me. But one of the last paragraphs really annoyed me.

"In documents filed Monday morning, ban backers argued that gay marriages would harm the state's interest in promoting responsible procreation through heterosexual marriage."
(Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/08/16/national/a102638D80.DTL#ixzz0wt0BDbbW)

Responsible procreation? First off, I thought this legal battle was over whether or not same-sex couples can legally marry. When did childbirth come into the picture and why? What I found most interesting about this statement was that supporters of Prop. 8 assume that if a couple (straight or gay) is to get married that they are going to have have kids. How many straight married couples DON'T have kids? How many couples even want to have kids? How many couples have kids out of wedlock? How many single parents are out there recieving social services from the state because they spouse can't help? Is the Octamom a good example of responsible procreation? HELL NO! Backers of Prop. 8 are desperate for any argument, even if it doesn't entirely apply to whether or not same-sex couples can or cannot get married. Marriage does not always lead to children.

Also, isn't our planet over populated as it is? We should be adopting children. Think about all the kids in orphanages and foster homes because of heterosexual couples who 'responsibly procreated' but then couldn't be responsible enough to take care of the kid.

Also, today the Federal Gov't decided to put another hold hold on same-sex marriages. The sad part about all this is that those who don't want gays and lesbians to wed probably never have to interact with them on a daily basis. This religious moral oppression is ridiculous and makes no sense.

I think it's insane that there are those out there that feel the need to make laws on private/personal issues: suicide, sexual preference, marriage, etc. Whatever you do behind close doors is your own thing. For people to bring private issues into the public is something that shouldn't be. Those who oppose these types of private issues are so morally sterile and brainwashed that they believe it's their job to bring privacy into the public spot light when these issues do no always need to (I do support forms of social services to deal with issues, but laws banning them, nope). It doesn't matter if you're straight or homosexual. If you're a good person, that's all that matters. Then again, I guess one could argue what 'good' means. Fuck it. Sorry for the rant.

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