Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What You Don't Know is Frontier

Asva never got the respect they deserved. When their second full length, What You Don't Know is Frontier came out, the publicity was a brief blip. I think I read an article in Terrorizer and that was about it. When the whole 'drone thing' first started, there was Earth and Sunn0))), but there was also Asva. I used to called these guys 'Sunn0))) with drums'. Their first album, Futurists Against the Ocean, was pretty damn good, but What You Don't Know... shows a more evolved band. It's not as rough around the edges as, but still very crushing. This was the album that convinced me drone music had lots of potential. Keyboards, vocals, RHYTHM! Oh my sweet fancy jesus on a pogo-stick! I used this as a jumping point and staple in my journey across new sounds. Where this band triumphs is that the depth was far more vast that anything Sunn0))) or Earth was doing at the time. Sunn0))) would eventual layer and develop their ritual (I cite Dømkirke as that particular moment) while Earth's progress has been minimal. In 21st a century nutshell I think this album was a year or two ahead of the pack. These guys seemed to be doing just the right amount of different.


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